Is westeros england
Is westeros england

is westeros england is westeros england

but there weren't exactly Lucius Malfoy-looking dragon-riders tearing up the skies over medieval England. The Starks and the Lannisters are patterned pretty closely after two of the major families that vied for power during that grim, multi-generation war. It's no secret that GRRM has pulled heavily from real world history (plus dragons and ice zombies) for his plots-most of the "game of thrones" itself is borrowed from the English War of the Roses. Readers will almost certainly be treated some gory new details about Aegon's Conquest, the Dance of the Dragons, the Blackfyre Rebellions, and more fiery chapters from Westerosi history. Martin has graced readers with Fire and Blood, a new book dedicated to the reign of House Targaryen. But if you're a fan of Westeros's favorite dragon-based family, then you're in luck: George R.R. Readers may have to wait a bit to find out what's up with the Starks and the Lannisters and whichever Baratheons are still kicking around.

Is westeros england